Evaluation of the Serum and Follicular Fluid Levels of soluble Fas and soluble Fas Ligand and Oxidative Stress Biomarkers in In vitro fertilization (IVF) patients

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey

Approval Date: 2013




In this study, the study group included unexplained infertility, PCOS, tubal factor and endometriosis and the control group included male factor infertility patients. sFas, sFasL, MDA, SOD and TAC levels were measured in serum and follicular fluid samples. Patients with tubal factor had significantly lower folicular fluid sFas and TAC compared with male factor infertility. Follicular fluid sFas and TAC in PCOS were significantly lower than the male factor group; follicular fluid SOD and serum TAC were significantly higher. Patients with endometriosis had significantly higher follicular fluid SOD and serum TAC, lower follicular fluid TAC. Serum sFas, follicular fluid MDA and TAC in unexplained infertility were significantly lower; serum and follicular fluid SOD, serum TAC were significantly higher. Patients with tubal factor had significantly higher serum sFasL compared with unexplained infertility; but follicular fluid sFasL and TAC were found lower. Also tubal factor had significantly lower follicular fluid sFas and serum TAC compared with endometriosis. When we compared tubal factor and PKOS, follicular fluid TAC of tubal factor was significantly lower than PKOS. PKOS group had significantly lower follicular fluid sFas compared with endometriosis; follicular fluid TAC were found significantly higher. Patients with unexplained infertility had significantly lower serum sFasL and follicular fluid MDA compared with endometriosis; follicular fluid sFasL and TAC was found significantly higher. In this study, serum and follicular fluid sFas levels were lower and antioxidant activity was impaired in infertility, possibly implying increased apoptosis. Especially in unexplained infertility group changes in this parametres more remarkable.