STEAM Applications with SCAMPER Technique in Geography Education of Students with Special Abilities

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi University, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Coğrafya Eğitimi, Turkey

Approval Date: 2019

Thesis Language: Turkish


Supervisor: Ülkü Eser Ünaldı


This research was conducted in 20 class hours in total, face to face with 15 students enrolled in Individual Ability Realization Programme in Ankara Yenimahalle Science and Arts Center. These students were diagnosed as having special abilities (highly able students). During the Individual Ability Realization Programme at BİLSEMs, ability and interests of students are diagnosed and students are enrolled in all major area courses. This study was applied in Geography course for the 7th and 8th graders in groups. The thesis aims for doing STEAM applications with SCAMPER (Structured Brainstorming) technique. Acknowledging the SCAMPER technique and STEAM approach within the innovative and efficient teaching applications, the results of their applications on students with special abilities, who have a higher cognitive performance, are questioned. Qualitative and quantitative data collection tools are used to collect and evaluate the information about the pre-implemetation, implementation process and post-implementation. 7 specific activities designed with SCAMPER technique are implemented on students. Through the comprehension levels of SCAMPER steps, student abilities of higher order thinking, original thinking, and creativity are analysed using geography attitude scale, rubric assessment form, and interview form. SPSS (25) programme is used for quantitative data analysis; content analysis and descriptive analysis are applied on qualitative data. The research results bring a positive conclusion for developing STEAM applications with SCAMPER technique at BILSEMs which provide supportive education for students with special abilities: Activities are fun, students are productive at each step of SCAMPER; at the final step, completing the STEAM application requiring the processing of their interdisciplinary knowledge and skills, and requiring hands-on activities. Findings of the research are valuable in terms of being the first sample application in Geography activities, that students were exposed to such a technique for the first time, and in terms of their grade level. In this study, the concept of special ability is mostly used. It is beneficial to disseminate this technique and this application in geography lessons, for students with special abilities to discover their abilities and skills at BILSEMs and applying differentiation and enrichment.

Keywords: Geography, SCAMPER, STEAM, Special Ability, BİLSEM, Gifted