Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey
Approval Date: 2016
Supervisor: ASENA SOYLUK
Abstract:The pre-school period is a constituent process that plays a key role in raising individuals as healthy adults in the future. In many researches, the childhood is expressed as the period during which a human grows the fastest. In order to prevent the isolation of children at their homes and to protect them from an inadequate physical and mental development, the practice classes which are called kindergarten were opened. The strict forms resulting as a consequence of designing the kindergartens as only an educational space and ignoring the user requirements both physiologically and psychologically may lead to inadequate development of children. One of the problems that architects face during the design phase is to ensure that the designed space is correctly perceived by users and meets the needs of users. This study tries to find an answer to the question "What is the effect of design requirements on children during the shaping of the kindergarten building form?". The educational spaces aimed for children should be designed not only for educational purposes but also by taking into consideration the wishes and likes of the children, and should augment the physical and spiritual contribution in the development process of users. In the first part of the research, the problem state was defined and the purpose of the study was expressed. In the second part of the study, on the other hand, a literature search was conducted on the subject. In the third part, the developmental stages of the child were examined. The fourth part of the study examined the stimulants in the physical environment which visually establish a first-degree relationship with a person, such as the relationships between the child and the physical environment, architectural color, texture and form. In the fifth part, the kindergarten building design and the general principles of design prescribed by the Ministry of National Education were examined. During the field study, the children were asked to make drawings and were surveyed. In this way, the children's tastes and geometric simulations with regards to the forms and elements of the kindergarten building where they are educated and to what extent they remember them correctly were examined. Using the findings obtained in the previous parts of the study, the minimum design standards guide for the education buildings published by the Ministry of National Education and the literature review, a kindergarten building with two different forms was designed. The designed kindergartens were also examined in terms of irregularities in the Earthquake Regulation. In consequence, the most important element in the link between architectural design criteria and the physical environment of children who are the users of the space is considered to be their wishes and needs in order to achieve an effective kindergarten building design for children.