Determination of physical education and sports high schoolstudents' participation forms to the free time activities in educational period according to their departments

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey

Approval Date: 2011


Supervisor: MUHSİN HAZAR


At the research done with 300 students (148 female-152 male) studying at Gazi University School of Physical Education and Sports High School, Teacher Training (n = 100), Coaching (n = 100) and Management (n = 100) departments, it is aimed to determine the BESYO students' forms of participation to the free time activities and the percentage zones of sporting activities at these participations. At the evaluation of the the survey data which was previously developed and implemented based on expert opinion, the data which was collected in MS Excel package program was transferred to the SPSS 16.0 statistical package program in Windows environment. InSPSS, 'the demographic spreadsheet (calculation of the frequency and percentage values) and ,at the = 0.05 level of significance, cross-tabulation and chi-square tests were applied. It is determined that 30% of the students have 4-5 hours per week, 27%of them have 10 hours and more per week, 25.7%of them have 6-7 hours per week, 9.7%of them have 2-3 hours of free time per week, 7,7% of them have no free ,and 43.0% spend their free time with a group of friends agreed, 19.3% spend with a friend agreed, 14.3% spend with their families and 8.3% spend alone. It is determined that those who have I do sports in their preferences allocate time as 19% 3 days, 14% each day, 9.7% 4 days , 9% 5 days, 8.3% 6 days, 7.7% 2 days, 14.7% 90-100 minutes, 13.7% 70-80 minutes, 11.7% 60-65 minutes, 10.7% 40-45 minutes, 4.3% 30-35 minutes, 9,3% 120 minutes and above for each activity. To the question of their preferred sport, the 37.3% of the students did not answer but 8.3% of them answered as Jogging - Weight - Team Sports, 6.7% of them answered as Jogging - Weight - Individual Sports, 4.7% of them answered as Jogging - Team sports, 4.7% of them answered as Jogging - Martial Arts, 4.7% of them answered as Individual Sports. A statistically significant relationship between gender and the most common activities done at free time and between gender and the time allocated to sports practice could not be found.(P <0.05). There is a statistically significant relationship between Gender and the kinds the most widely read at free times (P <0.05). There is not a statistically significant relationship between the department in which the student is studying and the most common free-time activities (P> 0.05) The results ontained through our investigation is that , 82% of university students have approximately 4-5 hours and over free time remains perweek, by 61.6%, 185 people's one of their first three preference is doing sports and the distribution of the 185 students by 61.6% to the departments is 64 people by 34% Physical Education and Sports Teacher, 64 people by %34 Coaching, 57 people by 32% administration department.