Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi University, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey
Approval Date: 2010
Thesis Language: Turkish
Student: İrem Konakçı
Supervisor: METİN YILMAZ
Abstract:Vocal nodules are the most common causes of dysphonia in children and adults. Nodules; are characterized by bilateral thickening in vocal folds, where vibration amplitude is mostly developed. In the present day, voice therapy is the most common method in nodule treatment and surgical interventions are performed where voice therapy is not effective. Vocal hygiene education as one of the indirect therapy methods, is the basis of voice therapy. In this study, 26 cases diagnosed with vocal nodule were trained with vocal hygiene education and they were evaluated with objective and subjective methods before and two months after vocal hygiene education. Cases were evaluated before and after vocal hygiene education with videolaryngostroboscopic examination, voice handicap index, Beck hopelessness scale, daily living habits form which was prepared by us and MDVP acoustic analyses. After vocal hygiene education, significant decrease was spotted in voice handicap index and Beck hopelessness scale scores, significant changes were determined in daily living habits and significant differences were found in MDVP parameters (p< .05). According to the findings of physical examination in 15 (%58) cases simetric adduction of the vocal fold, and in 11 (%32) cases asimetric adduction of the vocal fold was seen. According to daily life habits variation observation of improved mdvp parameters are designated Vocal hygiene education, was found to be an effective method in vocal nodule treatment.