The Proposal Of Prıce Forecastıng Model For Consumer And Producer In The Turkısh Electrıcıty Market

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey

Approval Date: 2019


Supervisor: MEHMET KABAK


All of energy market in the world have participants who are supplier and demander. These participants have a cost of operations. The prices are the cost of companies that trade on the basis of the market. Companies may buy or sell a contract for a delivery day from electricity markets. All of the market participants may the one day ahead in day ahead market, before 60 min for intraday market, same time balancing power market and trading on short, medium and long-term forecast in derivative markets. The forecasting prices are determined according to their operational and capital cost. The forecasting price provides to maximize their profits, to protect themselves against possible crises and constraints and to minimize their dept. In accordance with the transactions in day ahead market occur hourly market clearing price. This price is used as the reference price for all remaining market transactions. The aim of this work to be before the implementation to forecast daily average reference price in the Turkish electricity market. In the implementation of the thesis, all inputs which affect the price will be handled and to set in the model. Science Code