Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi University, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Güzel Sanatlar Eğitimi Anabilim Dalı, Turkey
Approval Date: 2019
Thesis Language: Turkish
Supervisor: Türker Eroğlu
The purpose of this study is to determine the attitudes of State Conservatory of Turkish
Music students towards the music teaching profession. The students of Conservatories in
Turkey in 2017-2018 academic year constitutes the universe and the students of Gaziantep
University State Conservatory of Turkish Music constitutes the sample of the study. N.
382. In this study, general survey model, from Quantitative Research Methods, is applied.
Personal data form developed by the researcher and the music teaching profession likert
attitude scale developed by Güdek (2007) are used as the data collection tools. The data
obtained from the scales are analyzed with the SPSS Statistics V22.0. As a result of the
research, the attitudes of the students towards music teaching profession differ significantly
in favor of male students according to the love sub-dimension of gender variable.
According to the value sub-dimension, it differs significantly in favor of female students.
In terms of total attitude scores, gender, age, learning style, art major and class variables
are not significantly differentiated. According to the department variable, Department of
Traditional Turkish Music Fundamentals students differ significantly from the Department
of Turkish Folk Dances students. It is concluded that there is a significant differentiation of
Public High School graduates compared to the Fine Arts High School graduates according
to the alma mater variable.
Keywords: Self-efficacy, Education, Music, Music Education