Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey
Approval Date: 2011
Abstract:The main purpose of this study is to reveal the relationship between the 5th graders' reading comprehension scores and reading leves determined by using the cloze tests. The second purpose of the study is to recognize the appropriate cloze test that can be used to determine the reading levels. In this study, the survey method was used in order to determine the students' reading levels and the Pearson correlation technique was used to determine the relationship between reading and reading comprehension levels. The sample of the study is consist of purposefully selected 365 5th grade students from 6 primary schools in the district of Yenimahalle in Ankara. In order to collect data, in 2010-2011 academic year, suitable expository texts were selected from 5th grade Turkish textbooks published by the ministry of national education, seperately every sixth, seventh, and every eighth word was deleted and a total of 50 spaces in the cloze tests were used. The reading comprehension exams were used to determine the reading comprehension level. These exams includes 6 questions about each of these texts. During the process of conducting tests, 60 minutes time periods was used in each classroom. In each classroom, firstly, every six, seventh and eight word deleted versions of cloze tests were distributed to the students by the researcher. The second step of the iplementation process, the same cloze tests' full verisons were distributed to the same students. After students' reading of these texts, again these texts were collected by the researcher. In the final step of iplementation process, reading comprehension exams were distributed to the same students, about distributed texts. The iplementation process was ended after collecting the distributed exams. Analysis of the students' reading levels and reading comprehension levels were analyzed using frequency and percentage. The relationship between reading level and reading comprehension levels were calculated by using Pearson' correlations technique. Independent revealed t-test was used to determine the differences between gender variable. Results revealed that, there are medium level, positive and meaningful relationship between reading levels determined by using every sixth word deleted version of cloze test and reading comprehension scores. There are high-level, positive and meaningful relationship between reading levels to determined the using every seventh, every eighth word has been deleted cloze tests and reading comprehension levels. In lights of these findings, it is recommended that different cloze test versions can be used to determine 5th graders' reading levels and further studies can be conducted to see the validity and reliability of this technique on different groups.