Determinining the thoughts of the 12th grade students regarding globalisation in the course of the secondary education

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey

Approval Date: 2017




This research was done in order to determine the views of the 12th class secondary education students about globalisation.The aim of this research to be done with the 12th class students is that the subjects of geography lesson were completed which were taken compulsorily at the 9th and 10th classes, which were taken optionally at some departments of the 11th and 12th classes and which were not given at some departments of the 11th and 12th classes. Geography Lesson Teaching Program which entered into force in 2005 year and reformulated in 2010 year was prepared in spiral form. The students who met with geography lesson at the 9th class recognized the concept of globalisation in this content of this lesson as well.The students who come across with the subject of globalisation in the subjects of geography lesson at the 10th and 11th class, meet more with it at the 12th class subjects. In this research, it was not only questioned the views of the students about the globalisation but also the differentiations according the sexuality, school types, family accomodation unit, the situation of taking geography lesson, family occupational group, the situation of family monthly income, the situation of the having internet access and daily internet usage time. In the research. general scanning model was used. In order to collect data, questionnaires were prepared under the views of experts, these questionnaires were implemented on 460 students who study at the 12th classes at the secondary education institutions which were designated as samples in Agri and its counties. In the analyse of the questionnaires, SPSS program was used, percentage and frequency values from descriptive statistical techniques were calculated and commented. At the end of the research, it was determined that the students' views about globalisation who participated in this research are similar according to the differentiation of their sexualies, school types, family accomodation units, situations of taking geography lesson, family occupational groups, family monthly incomes, situations of having internet access and daily internet usage time.