Art As Inner-Realıty Of A Lıe A Crıtıcal Vıew Of Contemporary Art

Thesis Type: Competence In Art

Institution Of The Thesis: Turkey

Approval Date: 2018

Thesis Language: Turkish

Student: Deniz Cemal Koşar



In this thesis, the effects of post-fordist production mode and neoliberal capitalism on the nature of art space and artistic production, as well as the network involved in this process are investigated. It is discussed that today's production of information and governmentality have infiltrated into the nature of art in the context of reality-truth, and so, art has changed into a mode in which it needs the approval of institutionality to which it indeed is opposed. It is argued that in addition to the globalization process, information sources have become easily accessible, and technological development is accompanied by the pluralism as well as democratic transportation of image production and the artistic production context. Today, the artist's efforts to stop the production (strike) or to undermine his identity have raised awareness of ideologically alienation policies. It is aimed to find out whether the increase in production is an act of the market, not the artist, and therefore, whether or not an understanding that would distort this process should be adopted.