Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, Turkey
Approval Date: 2014
Supervisor: ALEV KURU
Abstract:Before adopting the Islamic religion, the philosophy which is called as Kamlık Belief in original, as Shamanism in literature,as Göktanrı and as Tengrism in other sources, was at the basis of turkish culture. It was accepted as a life philiosophy, as a religon or as a belief system during this period. After Islamic region, the Samanizm has existed in different ways . According to researches done in this area, this philosophy , which has been accepted as superstion by some part of society or as a tradition by other part of it, have affected the Turkish Art before and after Islamic adoption. Today's modern people started polluting world quickly after industry revolotion and consuming only presented to him/her. Popular west culture teaching people just consuming and presents them one type of life so national ego is being destroyed. The only condition of protecting this national ego and standing on our feet is protecting our culturel values. For this reason, the kamlık faith consisting of the essence of the culture, and the Kam figure the most important part of the faith of the Kamlık, and the effects of the turkish works of Kam figure objects have been searched and reflections in Turkish works have been wanted to be detected and created a resource, and especially a research has been concluded with an application by emphasizing the Kam figure. In this application, the Kam figure and objects used by it are produced by using painting and sculptures which are in visual arts domain.