Thesis Type: Doctorate
Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey
Approval Date: 2011
Abstract:48-72 aylik çocuğa sahip anne-babalarin çocuklari ile iletişimlerini değerlendirmek amaciyla Anne-Baba-Çocuk iletişimini Değerlendirme Araci'ni (ABÇiDA) geliştirmek ve bu ölçme araci ile, anne-babalarin çocuklari ile iletişimlerine bazi değişkenlerin etkisini incelemek bu araştirmanin amacini oluşturmaktadir. Araştirma iki örneklem grubundan oluşturulmuştur. ilk örneklem grubunu, Anne-Baba-Çocuk iletişimini Değerlendirme Araci'nin (ABÇiDA) geçerlik güvenirlik çalişmasini yapmak üzere amaçli örneklem kullanilarak belirlenen okullara devam eden 48-72 aylik çocuğa sahip 206 anne-baba; ikinci örneklem grubunu ise, Basit Tesadüfi Örnekleme yöntemi ile belirlenen, 48-72 aylik çocuğa sahip 801 anne-baba oluşturmuştur. Metodolojik araştirma yönteminin temel alindiği bu çalişmada; anne-babalar ve çocuklari hakkinda bilgi toplamak amaciyla Genel Bilgi Formu, ailelerin sosyo-ekonomik düzeylerini belirlemek amaciyla Sosyo-Ekonomik Düzeyi Belirleyici Ölçek (Alpan, 2006) ve 48-72 aylik çocuğa sahip anne-babalarin çocuklari ile iletişimlerini değerlendirmek amaciyla Anne-Baba-Çocuk iletişimini Değerlendirme Araci (ABÇiDA) kullanilmiştir. Aracin istatistiksel olarak test-tekrar test güvenirliğini ölçmek amaciyla, araştirmaya katilan 206 anne-babadan tesadüfi olarak seçilen 52 anne-babaya, uygulamadan dört hafta sonra Anne-Baba-Çocuk iletişimini Değerlendirme Araci (ABÇiDA) tekrar uygulanmiştir. Verilerin analizinde, anne-babalar ve çocuklarinin demografik bilgilerine ilişkin dağilimlari frekans ve yüzde değerleri olarak verilmiştir. Aracin geçerlik güvenirlik çalişmasi olarak açimlayici ve doğrulayici faktör analizleri yapilmiştir. Aracin genel olarak güvenirliğini belirleyebilmek için, madde-toplam puan güvenirliği, Cronbach Alpha güvenirliği, test-tekrar test güvenirliği analizleri yapilmiştir. Araştirmaya katilan annebabalarin Anne-Baba-Çocuk iletişimini Değerlendirme Araci'nin (ABÇiDA) alt boyut puanlarinda, sosyo-ekonomik düzeye, çocuğun yaşina, çocuğun cinsiyetine, çocuğun doğum sirasina ve anne-babanin yaşina göre farklilik olup olmadiğini değerlendirmek amaciyla tekyönlü ANOVA testi ve bağimsiz örneklemler için t testi kullanilmiştir. The aims of this study are to develop Parent-Child Communication Assessment Tool (ABÇİDA) that seeks to evaluate the communication patterns between parents and their children of 48-72 months and to analyse the effects of some variables on the communication between parents and their children. The study includes two samples. The first sample was for the validity and reliability analyses of the Parent-Child Communication Assessment Tool (ABÇİDA), and it was identified through a purposeful sampling method. Specifically, it involved the parents of 206 children who are at ages of 48-72 months. The second sample was randomly selected and involved the parents of 801 children with the ages of 48-72 months. The data of the study in which is based on a methodological research method were collected through several data collection tools. General Information Form was used in order to obtain information about parents and their children sampled. Parents' socio-economic status wasdetermined through the use of Socio-Economic Status Scale (Alpan, 2006). The communication between parents and their 48-72 months children was assessed through the use of Parent-Child Communication Assessment Tool (ABÇİDA). In order to determine testretest reliability of the tool, it was administered to randomly selected fifty-two parents among 206 parents sampled a four weeks after the implementation. In the data analysis, frequency and percentage values are used to present the distribution of demographical information about parents and their children. In regard to the reliability of the tool, factor analyses were employed. In order to identify the overall reliability of the tool, item-total score reliability, Cronbach Alpha reliability and test-retest reliability were analysed. ANOVA and for independent samples t-test were employed in order to determine the effects of such variables as socio-economic status, age of the children, the birth order, gender of the children, and parents' age on the scores of subscales and on the overall scores in the Parent-Child Communication Assessment Tool (ABÇİDA). The findings reveal that the Parent-Child Communication Assessment Tool (ABÇİDA) is a reliable assessment tool and has a consistent pattern. In regard to the analysis of the communication between parents and their 48-72 months children, it is found that socio-economic status of the parents have effects on their scores of subscales concerning speaking, listening, messages, non-verbal communication and empathy, leading to statistically significant differences (p<.05). It is also found that the age of the children leads to statistically significant differences in the parents' scores on the non-verbal communication subscale (p<.05). However, the age of the children is found to have no effects on mothers' scores on the subscales of speaking, listening, messages, non-verbal communication and empathy, leading to statistically insignificant differences (p>.05). urthermore, the age of the children is found to have no effects on fathers' scores on the subscales of speaking, listening, messages and empathy, leading to statistically insignificant differences (p>.05). On the other hand, there is a statistically significant difference in the fathers' scores on the subscale of non-verbal communication (p<.05). The gender of the children is found to have no effect on parents' scores on the subscales of speaking, listening, messages, non-verbal communication and empathy, leading to statistically insignificant differences (p>.05). The gender of the children is found to have no effect on mothers' scores on the subscales of speaking, listening, messages, non-verbal communication and empathy, leading to statistically insignificant differences (p>.05). The gender of the children is found to have no effect on fathers' scores on the subscales of speaking, listening, messages, non-verbal communication and empathy leading to statistically insignificant differences (p>.05). The birth order is found to have no effects on the parents' scores of the subscales of speaking, listening, non-verbal communication and empathy, leading to statistically insignificant differences (p>.05). There is a statistically significant differences in the parents' scores in the subscales of message (p<.05). The birth order is found to have no effect on mothers' scores on the subscales of messages and empathy, leading to statistically insignificant difference (p>.05). However, there is statistically significant difference in the mothers' scores in the subscales of speaking, listening and non-verbal communication (p<.05). The birth order is found to have no effect on fathers' scores on the subscales of speaking, listening, non-verbal communication and empathy, leading to statistically insignificant differences (p>.05). However, there is a statistically significant difference in the fathers' scores in the message subscale (p<.05). The age of the mothers is found to have no effect on their scores on the subscales of speaking, listening, non-verbal communication and empathy, leading to statistically insignificant differences (p>.05). There is a statistically significant difference in their scores of the subscales of message (p<.05). The age of the fathers is found to have no effect on their scores on the subscales of listening, non-verbal communication and empathy, leading to statistically insignificant differences (p>.05). However, there is a statistically significant difference in their scores of the subscale of speaking and message (p<.05). The findings presented above clearly indicate that training programs concerning communication competence should be designed towards young parents with lower socioeconomic status and with more children and these parents should be encouraged to participate in these programs to improve the communication between parents and children.