Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey
Approval Date: 2014
Supervisor: ALİ GÜL
Abstract:To be able to solve the environmental issues grown to a size threatening the whole planet Earth, there is a need for alternative teaching methods for individuals which will make them have sufficient environmental awareness and sensibility, and which will enable them active participation in decision making period of problem solving, in addition to conventional environmental education. One of these methods is the socioscientific argumentation approach. In this study, a practice of environmental education which is based on socioscientific argumentation has been performed. Within this framework, 'The Bioethics Education Process Model' has been utilized by adaptation to environmental education. The aim of study is to determine the effect of learning stage based on socioscientific argumentation on the academic achievement of students and on their attitudes against the environment and environmental issues, also to investigate the effect of the gender on academic achievement and attitudes against the environment and environmental issues. The study was carried out by the participation of 27 students of 9-th grade in Hacı Mehmet Cömert High School located in Sarıyahşi district of Aksaray province, during the 2011-2012 education year. In the investigation, 'pretest-posttest without control group model' has been applied. Before the application period for environmental education, based on socioscientific argumentation, 'Environment Achievement Test', 'Environmet Attitude Scale' and 'Environmental Issues Attitude Scale' all including investigation topics were applied as pretest and were re-applied as posttest after the education period. Furthermore, after posttests were applied, semi-structered interviews with students were done as well, aiming to assess the application process. As a result of investigation, the quantitative data were assessed by t-test for dependent samples and t-test for independent samples. The qualitative data collected by semi-structured interviews with students on the other hand were assessed by using content analysis. The quantitative and qualitative data analyes done imply that the application of socioscientific argumentation approach is effective in the environmental education and the gender is not effective on student's academic achievement and on student's attitude against environment or environmental issues.