Thesis Type: Doctorate
Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey
Approval Date: 2014
Abstract:The basic objective of this study is to explore the effect of the Common Knowledge Construction Model (CKCM) on the cognitive and affective learning of primary education students and evaluate the students' views in this regard. The group in this study consists of 87 students from four different classrooms of 7. and 8. grades at a primary school of Ministry of National Education, located in the central district of Ankara. This study in which the integrated design of the mixed method is used was carried out concurrently in the 7. and 8. Grades during the II. term of the 2012-2013 school year based on the curriculum of the Science and Technology class. Science and Technolgy class was taught based on the Common Knowledge Construction Model in the experimental group and 5E learning cycle was applied in the control group. This study was carried out on three different subjects and on the basis of 56 class-hours in 14 weeks. The quantitative data of the study were obtained as a result of conducting the academic achievement tests, concept tests, word association tests and attitude towards science tests developed by the researcher, as pre-tests and post-tests. The qualitative data were gathered through views on nature of science questionnaires, scientist drawings, phenomenographic categories, classroom observation notes, video records, nature of science and semi-structured interviews on Science and Technology lesson, implementation process and the Common Knowledge Construction Model. The analysis of the quantitative data obtained during the research was conducted by using the SPSS 15.0 statistical package program and the analysis of the qualitative data was carried out by using the content analysis method. It was concluded in the study that, as compared to the 5E learning cycle model, 7. Grade Science and Technology lessons taught based on Common Knowledge Construction Model (CKCM) were effective on improving the students' academic achievement and developing their conceptual change, attitude towards science, perspectives on nature of science. It was found out that there is a positive development in the attitudes of the students towards CKCM, Science and Technology lesson and the nature of science. On the other hand, it was noted that, as compared to the 5E learning cycle model, 8. Grade Science and Technology lessons taught based on Common Knowledge Construction Model (CKCM) were not effective on developing the academic achievement, attitude towards science of students. However it was found out that it led to a medium level improvement in developing the viewpoints of the students on conceptual change and the nature of science. It was observed that the nature of science themes integrated to the science subjects and concepts taught based on phenomena are considered more meaningful and perceived more easily by the students. It was also seen that there was a positive development on the attitudes of the students towards CKCM, Science and Technology lessons and the nature of science but the students stated that the method was intensive and they prefer to be a passive listener in the lesson. In light of the results obtained during the study, we can say that the research will guide the new studies in this regard and be a guiding reference for the teachers, students and the curriculum developers in science education.