Thesis Type: Doctorate

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi University, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey

Approval Date: 2009

Thesis Language: Turkish

Student: Hatice TOZUN

Supervisor: ALEV KURU


In this study, the main objective was to find out the opinions of students and lecturers on the courses related to conservation and restoration of traditional textile products at Faculties of Fine Arts in undergraduate programs and to determine the present situation on the issue. This study aims, through the literature review performed in the field, to find out the opinions of students and university instructors at Carpet Kilim Old-Time Fabric Patterns Art program at the faculties of Fine Arts, where the courses related to Conservation and restoration of Traditional Textile products on the courses offered. A questionnaire was administered to those who agreed to participate in the study, 12 of them being university lecturers and 120 students, 3rd and 4th graders. Furthermore, an interview composed of a semi-structured question items was performed with the 6 instructors fort he sub-goals of the study. The results of the study can be summed up as the followings. It has been found out that there is a consensus between the students and the instructors on the fact that the education of conservation and restoration is necessary and ineffective course delivery and instruction. Besides, it has also been found out that these courses have been put in the curriculum so that students can have the basic knowledge on how to prolong the lives of the products, important in terms of cultural history and when necessary to prevent the degeneration of the products and to be equipped with the knowledge to interfere and to rise the awareness on the courses. It has also been found out that both the students and the instructors are of the opinion that practical and theoretical aspect of the courses are offered in a sufficient manner, the terms related to conservation and restoration are taught adequately and the relations among the topic are established well. On the other hand, the instructors are of the opinion that terms in other languages are also offered in courses, and analysis methods are thought, and courses on conservation-restoration are the continuation of one another and there should be other courses to support these courses, the students do not agree on these opinions. According to the findings of the study, it has been found out that instructors mainly employed explanation, demonstration and discussion in the courses of conservation and restoration. It has been deduced that the instructors used discussion, reinforcement and exposition methods in order to enhance their knowledge in conservation and restoration, in order to enhance their interest, instructors used demonstration, presentation and exposition, and in order to develop their knowledge, the instructors used exposition, presentation and narration. It has also been found out that instructors used power-point, slights, resource books, journal, literature review compilations, samples of seminars and projects prepared before to enhance knowledge level of the students, and along with them offered application on the sample piece, and analysis of resource books, journals and literature, investigated repair workshops, enabled students to do some repair on the product the restitution of which has been done. To enhance attitude and behavior, instructors showed accomplished works, used observation and research, and enabled students to use the materials needed during the restitution and repair applications along with theoretical knowledge. It has also been found out that instructors are of the opinion that weekly lesson hour of the courses on conservation and restoration are sufficient and seminar works and projects works are offered at an adequate level, while the students think in the opposite direction. Besides, it has been found out that both the instructors and the students alike are of the opinion that classrooms and laboratories where the applied parts of the courses can be applied are not sufficient and there is no fully-equipped restoration laboratory and the classroom settings are not enough for the number of students and technical equipment and materials are not sufficient in number. As a result, it has been found out that there is no adequate research into traditional textile products, fully-equipped educational setting and curriculum devoted to traditional textile products. We need a more comprehensive educational programs and settings with adequate equipment in order to transfer the Traditional cultural assets, one of the tangible cultural products, to posterity and to prevent its eradication.