Trıal Of Productıve System Regardıng Formıng Shape Vıa Benefıtıng Nature

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi University, Turkey

Approval Date: 2015

Thesis Language: Turkish

Student: Sahar Shadmand



With the development of computer Technologies, the concept of operational design has taken an important place in architecture. In parallel with these developments, computer is not only a tool for modelling the end design product, but also helps architects via presenting algorithmic perspectives while they are designing. In this approach which is called algorithmic design process data that affect design and the rules in which these data are processed must be well defined. As these rules are changable, it is possible to create and transform many formal alternatives. Thus, designer can benefit from algorithmic approach as a support method while both transforming present forms and producing new forms in parallel with new data. Within the scope of this thesis, it is aimed that a computer aided productive system that can help architects produce forms by taking inspiration from nature via algorithmic design methods. In this respect, the method of the study involves analyzing the structural forms of both living and non-living things in the natüre and defining a computer aided productive system algorithm that will produce new formal alternatives. The natural order and the geometric setup that identifies this order create the essence of rules of form that will guide design algorithm. The productive algorithm designed within the scope of the thesis was tried as far as its benefits are concerned regarding the creation of form via both nature and computer.