Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Güzel Sanatlar Enstitüsü, Turkey
Approval Date: 2017
Supervisor: ALEV KURU
Abstract:Self portraits are preferred by artists to leave a mark about themselves behind .From past to present, self portraits have been accepted as the demonstration of existence and formed a field where both physcially and spiritually features of model have concreted and thus they become the most personal expressions of models. According to mentality of performing portraits in Turkish Art, those personal expressions have been in progress and shaped around faith and lifestyles, and also we can witness their history until Karasuk and Taştık Periods' graves. During Ottoman Empire , mentality of performing portraits were improved with efforts of Fatih Sultan Mehmet ;also Art of Miniature was known to contribute to this progress. On Republic Period ,it could be understood that importance was given to art policies.Between the years of 1923-1960 in Turkey, many important developments were achieved including art.However, social problems that were experienced in this period,forced the artists to search new artistic styles like Expressionism In this study, Expressionist self portraits which were produced in Contemporary Turkish Painting Art between the years 1923-1960 are analysed and the artists who performs self portraits are examined with their life stories.Meanwhile, historical progress of portrait and self portrait ; the place of Expressionist movement in Turkish and Western Art are analyzed considering Turkish historical ,sociological and cultural structures.