Desıgn And Analysıs Of Rotary Vane Compressor

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi University, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, manufacturing engineering, Turkey

Approval Date: 2019

Thesis Language: Turkish


Principal Supervisor (For Co-Supervisor Theses): İhsan Korkut

Co-Supervisor: Melih Okur


In the industry, approximately 10 % of total electric consumption is used for compressed air production. Therefore increasing the efficiency of compressors significantly reaps profit for cooling industry. Rotary vane compressors are preferred more than piston compressors, screw compressors and scroll compressors in cooling and air conditioning systems, owing to its advantages such as its basic structure, lesser number of parts, lower noise, lower vibration and lower cost. Generally, they consist of block, rotor, camshaft and vane. In this study, two different designs were made for the purpose of to increase the performance of a 22,6 cc volume two-stage rotary vane compressor. In the first design, camshaft was rotated while block and vane were fixed, as general use in the industry. In the second design, camshaft was fixed while block and vane were rotated. Torque and power values were calculated for both designs while keeping parameters constant such as compressor dimensions and pressure values. Two major parameters, which are pressure production of the compressor and the inertial force arising from rotation, were effective to the computations. As a result of the computations, it was observed that the rotary block compressor exerted less power than rotary camshaft compressor when inertial force excluded from theoretical computations. However, rotary block compressor exerted 3,71 times more power than rotary camshaft compressor when inertial force included in the computations. As a result of the experiments, rotary camshaft compressor produced more pressure than rotary block compressor and also exerted 1,3 times less power from the electric motor at maximum pressure and revolution values due to its low inertial forces