Thesis Type: Doctorate
Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi University, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey
Approval Date: 2019
Thesis Language: Turkish
Student: Metehan MERCAN
Supervisor: MİNE AKTAŞ
Abstract:The purpose of this research is to study secondary school 6. to examine the effect of “integers and algebraic expressions” on students ' academic achievements, motivations and persistence of knowledge in Scratch-supported teaching, as opposed to the activities in the textbook. 6 for this purpose. materials for "integers and algebraic expressions" were coded and used by the researcher through the Scratch program. The study group consists of 38 students who attended two secondary schools in Cumayeri District of Düzce province during the fall semester of the 2017-2018 academic year. The semi-experimental pattern with pre-test-final test control group was used as a method in the research. While mathematics teaching was supported by activities prepared through Scratch program, which is easy to use and interesting to experiment group students, mathematics teaching was carried out by adhering to the activities included in the textbook in structured classroom environment to control group Students. As a data collection tool, success tests for Mathematics motivation scale (MMÖ) and integers and algebraic expressions developed by the researcher were used. A pilot application was made with 120 students to determine the reliability and substance distinctiveness of the success test materials and a ix substance was removed from the test and the final version was given to the test. Algebraic expressions pilot application was made with 118 students for determination of reliability and substance distinctiveness of Success test materials and a substance was removed from the test and the final version was given to the test. Before and after the classroom applications, the success tests and the math motivation scale (MMÖ) were applied as pretest and final test to the groups. About five weeks after the last test Application, the success Test was re-applied to test persistence. The data obtained as a result of the applications were analyzed and analyzed in the SPSS program. T-test was used in the analysis of the data. As a result of the research, a significant difference was found in the success of the students in the experiment and control group in favor of the experiment group. In addition, the scores of persistence and motivation, although there was an advantage in favor of the experimental group among the averages, do not differ significantly in favor of the experimental group statistically. From this, it is concluded that games and activities designed through coding with Scratch program increase students ' academic achievement. Based on the findings of the research, it was thought that games and activities designed with Scratch would help teachers and students in terms of course achievements, could be used in teaching subjects perceived as difficult and boring to learn, and could be used not only in mathematics but also in other courses.