Effect Of Structural System Development In The Airport Terminal Buildings To The Form And Its Analysis

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey

Approval Date: 2015




Today, the fast, comfortable, safe and affordable prices lead the development of airline transport and the construction of technological, flamboyant, big, comfortable and safe airport terminals. For this reason, airport terminals have become an object of prestige for cities and countries. These buildings that serve as a bridge between land and air have been transformed into giant buildings. Inside the new generation airport terminals, units such as social and cultural activity areas, shopping malls, hotels and exhibition areas etc. have been inserted. These buildings which incorporate various functions require big volumes. For this reason, especially in the last two decades, different structural sytems have been applied that cover wide volumes in terminal buildings with respect to bearer systems that cover wide openings. Formal pursuits have become the central interest in airport teminal buildings that are the entrances and welcoming faces of cities. Within the scope of this thesis, formal shaping of these airport teminals and the structures that shape these forms are going to be examined. In this study, an analysis method is tried to be developed via determining data tha effect structural system and formal decisions that is functional and effect the shaping of airport terminals.Subsequent to explaining the objective and method of thesis in the introduction, formation of construction form, formal and structural approaches that direct the designer, structural system types and their developments were referred in the second section. In the third section the development of airports and aviation industry and the formation of airport terminal buildings required as a result of this development in historical process are mentioned. In the fourth section, in accordance with all information given, a comparison is intended by giving samples from the terminal buildings built both in the world and in our country. In the fifth section, which is the result of the thesis, the analyzed airport terminal buildings have been evaluated and it has been determined that the development of structural system liberates the designer and affects the formation of airport terminal buildings positively.