Exploring Physical Education and Sports Teachers' Awareness about the Middle School Physical Education and Sports Curriculum

Thesis Type: Doctorate

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey

Approval Date: 2016




In this study, physical education and sports teachers' awareness about the middle school physical education and sports curriculum was investigated. For this purpose, eight physical education and sports teachers, working at a number of middle schools in Sinop province of Turkey at 2013-2014 academic years, were interviewed. Data were analyzed based on qualitative data analysis methods. The findings show that; physical education and sports teachers' awareness about the curriculum was limited and as a consequence of this limited awareness, teachers' practices in their physical education and sports courses varied from the aims of the related curriculum. Similarly, findings pointed out that teacher did not use constructivist-teaching strategies. In line with this finding, six of the eight teachers obtained their annual plans simply by copying others plans although they should be prepared themselves based on the students and schools specialities and conditions. An interesting finding of this study was that school sports teams had an important role in planning their lessons as well as assessing students' success. Moreover, teachers consider the physical education and sports course is thought as the way of relaxing for students and share the idea that if it were not for this course students would not find a chance to relax. As a consequence, these findings point out the need for taking actions to make teachers be aware of the curriculum for planning and implementing their lessons better as needed