Investigation of The ProblemsEncountered by 4th Grade Primary Students in Different Problem Posing Situations

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey

Approval Date: 2016




This study has been conducted in order to investigate the problems the 4th grade primary students' exhibit in problem posing situations. The problem posing skills of the students has been evaluated in terms of convenience to the given situation, on the other hand in terms of which four operations they are written towards. For this aim, the students have been given the task of problem posing that is composed of a total of 10 questions. The problem posing tasks given to the students have been formed by adopting the free, semi structured and structured problem posing study developed by Stoyanova and Ellerton (1996) and the sub dimensions of comprehending, translating, editing and selecting that are placed in the model that has been put forward by Christou and friends (2005) and according to this classification. During the formation of the problem posing tasks, 3 different expert views have been taken for the 14 problem situations that have been formed before the real application in order to be used in the real application process. Experts have reviewed the questions in terms of convenience to the student level, reflection of the categories and etc. and finally 10 questions have been decided as serving the best for the aim of the study. The data collection tool has been finalized by applying it to the 33 students attending the same school same grade for the aim of controlling the convenience and comprehensibility of the questions. The study group of the research is composed of 31 students attending 4th grade in a state primary school in Ankara, Keçiören district in 2015-2016 academic year. In the formation of the study group easy reachable situation sampling has been used. As the research has been conducted with the aim of investigating the problems of primary school 4th grade students towards different problem posing situations, among the types of qualitative research types case study has been used. In the study the answer to the question how are the problems the 4th grade students pose towards four operation skills including natural numbers? has been sought. In the framework of the main categories determined at the beginning of the study, problems posed by the students have been analyzed via content analysis. In the data analysis process with the help of a researcher reliability among the coders have been made and the coherence between the two coders have been calculated as 89%. At the end of the research it has been seen that when the students are asked to pose free problems they fulfill these tasks successfully and most the problems they pose are story problems. When they were asked to pose problems based on pictures and graphics in the case of semi-structured problem situations, it has been seen that half and more than half of the students have been successful and they usually posed story problems. Because these categories included the expression of a representation form in another representation form, students have had difficulties in posing problems in this category. In structured problem posing situations, they were asked to pose problems towards mathematical operation and writing to a story problem. Students have been more successful in the I. problem situations which require less operation whereas only the half of the students have been successful in the II. Problem situations. At the end of the research it has been seen that the students have confronted with some of the problem situations they pose towards different problem posing situations for the first time. It has also been seen that previously they posed problems just changing the data in the problems; they had difficulties in problem posing and they could write problem statements more often on addition results on the unknown. Situations in which the expressions of the students in the wrong problems they posed are inadequate and incomprehensible expressions have been come across.