Examınıng 4th Grade Students' Understandıng Level In Terms Of Place Value In Natural Numbers

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi University, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Sınıf Öğretmenliği Bilim Dalı, Turkey

Approval Date: 2018

Thesis Language: Turkish


Supervisor: Neşe Işık Tertemiz


Mathematics has a place in every aspect of our daily lives. In primary school, a large part of the

mathematic lesson is about numbers learning area. In elementary school, it is important to

comprehend the value of places based on decimal system in order to better understand and

internalize the numbers conceptually. Depth examination of the place value of the digits of the

number concept is also important because the concept of numbers is necessary in all learning

areas. 4th grade students’ place value understanding levels were evaluated in six dimensions

(counting, representing, comparing, naming, renaming and calculating) and students' errors in

these dimensions were analyzed in this research. In addition, patterns between the dimensions in

which the concept of digits were discussed were presented. As the method of research mixed

model was used. The research group consisted of 117 4th grade students those studying in

Haymana district of Ankara. The convenience sampling method was used to determine the study

group. The "place concept in natural numbers test" was developed by the researched was used as

a data collection tool. This test consisted of 20 questions. The KR-20 reliability of the test was

91.6. In the study, the limit for students' levels of achievement was determined as 0.75 for the

sub-dimensions of each dimension in which the place value was addressed. Behaviors that are

below this level are defined as behaviors that cannot be reached by students. Tetrachoric

correlation coefficients were calculated for the pattern between behaviors and a flow chart was

formed. In order to analyze student errors, content analysis was performed in the analysis of

qualitative data. According to the findings of the study; its determined that students counting

dimensions countback sub dimension, naming dimensions read and write sub-dimension, rename

sub dimensions in renaming a given expression in a conventional manner, sorting from small to

large dimension, in compiling and multiplication dimension' sub-dimensions, reach the level of

learning. When the errors of students for each dimension of the step value are examined; It was

found that they made mistakes in renaming dimensions renaming accustomed sub dimension,

calculating dimensions division sub dimension, comparison dimensions finding the number sub

dimension. According to the results of the tetrachoric correlation, it was concluded that the

prerequisite relations were strong between the behaviors related to all dimensions discussed in

the study.

Keywords : Place value, dimensions of place value, elementary school, difficulty