The Effect Of 12 Weeks Proprıoseptıve Traınıng On Adolescent Women Volleyball Players On Antıcıpatıon Tıme, Reactıon Tıme And Balance Performance

Thesis Type: Doctorate

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi University, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey

Approval Date: 2019

Thesis Language: Turkish


Supervisor: Filiz Fatma Çolakoğlu


The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of 12 weeks proprioceptive training

applied to adolescent female volleyball players on detection time, reaction time and

balance performance. Thirty female voleyball players (aged 14-17 years), attending

voleyball trainings in their clups regularly, 90-120 min. per day for 3 days per week,

participated in this study, voluntarily. Experimental and control groups were formed by

closed envelope randomization method. In addition to the regular volleyball training, the

proprioceptive exercise program (8-11 movements in each training session), which was

designed from simple to complex every week, ranging from 20 to 30 minutes 3 days a

week for 12 weeks, was applied to the athletes in the experimental group. The athletes in

the control group continued their volleyball training including basic techniques, combined

techniques and tactical exercises. The anticipation times at different stimulus speeds

(3mph, 5mph, 8mph), reaction time (visual, auditory, mixed) and balance performances

(anterior-posterior, medial-lateral) of the athletes in experimental and control groups were

recorded before and after the 12-week program. The Bassin Anticipation Timer, Newtest

1000, Technobody Prokin 200 Instrument were used for anticipation timing, reaction time,

balance performance measurements, respectively. As a result of statistical analysis; there

were statistically significant differences in absolute error score (8mph), visual reaction

time, auditory reaction time and mixed reaction time performances of the experimental

group (p<0.05). The anterior-posterior balance performance of the experimental group was

also improved, but this improvement was not statistically significant (p>0.05). In

conclusion, it is thought that moderate and long-term proprioceptive exercises contribute to

the development of perceptual-motor skills such as anticipation timing, reaction time and

balance performances of adolescent female volleyball players. It is recommended that this

study should be conducted on elite female and male athletes playing in different leagues in

different age groups.

Key words : Volleyball, proprioception, reaction time, anticipation time,
