Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey
Approval Date: 2014
Abstract:The purpose of this study is to reveal feasibility of teaching of words and formulaic phrases based on perceptual learning styles in Turkish lessons at the fifth grade of middle school. The research is designed as an action research model which takes as basis the processes of determining a focus area and collecting data related to this area, developing an action plan in line with the data collected, and analyzing and interpreting the data. The research was carried out with 34 students, including 18 male and 16 female students studying at the class 5/B of Hendekyanı Middle School, which is affiliated to the Provincial Directorate of Education in Bartın. Divided into three groups as visual, auditory and tactile by their perceptual learning styles, these students were taught words and formulaic phrases by means of activities conforming to their respective learning styles for six weeks. A number of qualitative and quantitative data collection tools such as vocabulary tests, formulaic phrase success tests, Marmara Learning Styles Scale, video recordings, researcher's diaries (reflective diaries), class guidance teacher's (Turkish language teacherzs) diaries, voice recordings, semi-structured interview forms and written documents were used in the research. IBM SPSS Statistics 20.0 was used for quantitative data and QSR NVivo 8.0 package program for qualitative data during analysis of data. The findings obtained as a result of the analysis of quantitative data revealed that teaching performed on basis of learning styles had a significant effect on improvement of the students' knowledge of words and formulaic phrases. Furthermore, it was concluded that no learning style was superior to the other in terms of increasing the students' levels of knowledge of words and formulaic phrases. The research also examined the fifth- grade students' levels of knowledge of words and phrases in Turkish textbooks which they used in their previous grade. Statistical data acquired revealed that some part of the students had serious lack of knowledge of the words and the phrases which were available in those books. On the other hand, results of analysis on qualitative data revealed that teaching of words and formulaic phrases based on learning styles was feasible and it had a positive effect on students' attitudes towards the lesson. Moreover, findings obtained from students' opinions showed that teaching of words in this manner contributed to remembering, improving skills of comprehension and narrative skills, and raising awareness.