The habit of drug addiction and the prevalence among the secondary school student: Sample of Bartın city

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey

Approval Date: 2012




The use of addictive substances and addicted individuals are becoming increasingly common, especially among secondary school students. So, it is very important the recognition of secondary school students between the ages of adolescence. The aim of this research is to confirm the habit of drug addiction and the prevalence among secondary school students. And by means of these findings, to find solutions about the habit of drug addiction and its prevalence among secondary school students. The study group of the research consists of 545 students that chosen with randomly and attending various secondary education institutions in all grades in the province of Bartın. As a data cellection instrument, a survey form developed by researcher was used. In order to resolve of data gained from the research, the statistics programme SPSS 16.0 was used. As the result of data analysis; According to the findings of the research, it has been found that 60.7 percent of Bartın province of secondary school students have not smoked even once and that 27.3 percent of them have been smoking periyodically. Also, it has been determined that 35.2 percent of the students have drunk alcohol at least one time and that 24.4 percent of this amount have been drinking alcohol periyodically. As a another statistical data, it has been seen that 4.2 percent of them used even once a volatile substance (liquid, powder or gas) and that 3.1 percent of them have used cannabis, heroin, morphine or drug at least one time up to now. There is a significant differences between the level of drinking alcohol, smoking and sexuality, the level of the present class, type of the school and on the occasion of being dependent friends. According to that; male student,12th class, vocational high school students, those less satisfied with the life and dependent friends consume more alcohol and cigarette. According to result of the study, there has been the usage of addictive substance but the prevalence of the usage has been found less as comparing with the previous similar studies have been done in Turkey. In this research, the usage habits of addictives and its prevalence were confirmed and using these results it is considered to restructure by protective and informative educations. According to secondary education students' social, cultural and economical qualifications, by using these results, together with concerned institutions.We hope that our research intending to be useful for educators, will shed light on future studies.