Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi University, Turkey
Approval Date: 2016
Thesis Language: Turkish
Student: Hakan Arslan
Abstract:İn this thesis, from previous periods to today, to be studied on openness topic which is included in all compositions and also the perfective of Umberto Eco at 1962, concantrate on this topic and seperate the concept of openness in contemporary arts from spontaneous openness of classical arts. İn this respect, to be inspected attitudes of contemporary open compositions towards interpreters, the attitudes and commands of interpreters on obvious compositions. The method of the thesis is qualitative; thesis is composed of observations, search and application steps. Scenning of resources and avaliable documents are searched for covering the topic. Researches and practices, until today are revised in this context. How the dialectic of open composition is percieved in periodic processes, dedicted how it is exhibited, responces and practices on conteporary arts and daily plastic arts are investigated and deal with the other artists's products. From all kinds of datas which include the scientific departments' disciplines that are necessary for this research, are utilized. Different periods' arts which cover this idea are examined. İdeas related with this topic, artistic stages and theories are searched without cronological sequences. This issue is approached with practise workouts.