Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey
Approval Date: 2015
Supervisor: ASENA SOYLUK
Abstract:The most important natural disaster is earthquake in Turkey. A very large part of our country has 1st and 2nd degree in earthquake zones. Experienced in the past earthquakes and earthquake damages showed the importance of architectural design of buildings on the earthquake.In this study,behavior of primary structure and earthquake damages during the earthquake, especially on concrete and masonry structures, have been investigated. The damages of earthquakes, after the great earthquakes such as Marmara, Elazığ and Van earthquake, have tried to explain the reasons.In the study also, after 2000 educationall buildings examples of types of projects, which design by public institutions,were investigated. The investigation of different forms were compared in terms of 2007 Earthquake Guide irregularities. According to all these datas, three different types of Projects were designed and modeled by Probina-orion program. Square, rectangular and L-shaped form were investigated in terms of 2007 Earthquake Guide irregularities. According to the results of these analyzes, behavior of forms during the earthqauke were compared.Results obtained from the studys how that the geometry and symmetrical static systems of thedifferent forms of education buildings have affected their behaviors during the earthquakes. The architectural design of earthquake resistant design was observed a very important factor. Especially education buildings are peoples long-term and intensive located places. These buildings are class of stored important things buildings too. All of the reasons show that geometric forms, simplicity and symmetry are important criterias of architectural design.