Thesis Type: Postgraduate
Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi University, Turkey
Approval Date: 2015
Thesis Language: Turkish
Student: Burak Kabiş
Abstract:The video head impulse test (vHIT) is a new and useful tool to detect semicircular canal dysfunctions. In vHIT evaluation, relationship between head movement and eyes movement is analysed. However, there are various situations that effect VOR gain values in measurements of the vHIT. Moreover, there are quite few studies especially about vertical VOR gains. The aim of the study is to determined vHIT, whose normal gain values is a new test metod and its validaty with Re-Test metod. The study was conducted at Gazi University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Otolaryngology, Prof. Dr. Necmettin Akyıldız Center of Diagnosis, Treatment and Rehabilition of Hearing, Speaking, Sound and Balance Disorders with fourty-six valunteers. The test was performed to each individuals in twice as test and Re-test. In the findings, the mean of VOR gains for each semicircular canals was measured. To have been researched, Re-Test is shown that whereas there is statistically no significiant correlation with the VOR gain asymmetry values of the RALP (p>0,05), there are statistically significant correlation with the other parameters (p<0,05). It is found that he most significant corelation with lateral canals (right; %81, left; %75,9) (p<0,05). In a conclusion that, vHIT is a test metod, which can be implemented easily and can be evaluated tos ix semicircular canals at same time, is clinically non-invasive for adutls. To have obtained mean normative values for all semicircular canals, particularly vertical canals contribute to literatüre as a reference value.