Modıfıcatıon Of Performance Features Of Boron Compounds Used As Impregnatıon Materıal

Thesis Type: Doctorate

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey

Approval Date: 2016


Supervisor: HAKAN KESKİN


This study has been carried out in order to develop performance features after impregnation of boron compounds used as impregnation material in wooden materials. With this aim, test specimens which are made of Oriental Beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky), Yellow Pine (Quercus petraea Liebl.) and European Oak (Quercus petraea Liebl.) and which are prepared according to TS 6193 EN 84 have been impregnated with impreganted materials using immersion method. Impregnated test specimens were tested according to TS 345, ASTMD 160-50 and TS 6193 EN 84. As a part of the research, impregnation material which was developed in laboratory has got 9 different versions. Retension amounts after leaching processes of test specimens treated with solution with borax of developed impregnation material were affected positively in Pine up to 277%, in Oak up to 240% and Beech up to 269% according to the retension amount after impregnation. Additionally, leaching ratios of test specimens decreased in Pine up to 53%, in Oak up to 42% and Beech up to 54% using developed impregnation material according to the samples that were impregnated with borax. However, when effects of this material to the combustion performance of wood were researched, developed impregnation material extended combustion period and decreased weight loss ratio of test specimens according to the control samples. On the contrary, weight loss ratios were affected negatively in Pine up to 2%, in Oak up to 6% and in Beech up to 5% when compared with samples which were impregnated with borax. On the other hand, combustion periods reduced in Pine up to 7% and in Oak up to 21% as well. In Beech, combustion periods were affected positively up to 36% with the same indicators. Developed impregnation material did not affect colour, texture and brightness of the experiment samples in 3 different kinds of wood either. In addition, no residue has been observed on test specimens. Developed impregnation material can be preferred in forest industry to increase leaching resistance in impregnation with boron.