Reseaching the suitability of engineering practices in the field of aerospace technologies with the sub-disciplines in which candidate engineering interns desire to work: Turkish Aerospace Inc. example

Thesis Type: Postgraduate

Institution Of The Thesis: Gazi University, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Turkey

Approval Date: 2024

Thesis Language: Turkish

Student: Berat Emre İLERİ

Supervisor: Muhlis Özdemir


In this study, the program application and evaluation for students studying in mechanical engineering and similar branches who will participate in the SKY Experience Candidate Engineering Program, which is implemented in Turkish Aerospace Industries Inc. (TUSAŞ) and directly supports employment, in the 2023 - 2024 academic calendar year. As a result, the areas where ideal assignments can be made have been determined for the candidates who are eligible to be included in the process, according to the engineering sub-disciplines in which they desire to specialize in the field of aviation, space and satellite systems, which overlap with the main science branch in which they are educated. It is aimed to appoint candidates who are suitable for these engineering fields and to carry out the program with maximum efficiency. Bilateral interviews (oral exam) were held for the candidates regarding the unit assignment application in September 2023, measuring their engineering capabilities and competencies. As a result of the interviews, a competency-candidate demand matrix was created to assign candidates to appropriate engineering units. In this study, to train candidate engineers in appropriate engineering branches, the data obtained was tried to be optimized by considering it as an assignment problem with mixed integer programming, one of the operational research techniques. Thus, it is expected that candidate engineers will have the opportunity to work in the branches in which they are competent, and that it will have a positive impact on their motivation to work, as their demands are considered.

Key Words : Candidate Engineering, Mixed Integer Programming, R Programming, optimization, TUSAŞ