2006 - 2012 Doctorate
University of Florida, The Graduate School/Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering/Industrial and Systems Engineering, United States Of America
1998 - 2001 Postgraduate
Ihsan Dogramaci Bilkent University, Instıtute Of Engıneerıng And Natural Scıences, Industrial Engineering, Turkey
1993 - 1998 Undergraduate
Ihsan Dogramaci Bilkent University, Faculty Of Engıneerıng, Department Of Industrıal Engıneerıng, Turkey
2012 Doctorate
A Demanufacturer’s Optimal Acquisition, Pricing, and Inspection Planning Problems under the Trade-off between Environmental Fees and Operational Costs
University of Florida, The Graduate School/Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering/Industrial and Systems Engineering
2001 Postgraduate
A Dynamic Pricing Policy for Perishables with Stochastic Demand
Ihsan Dogramaci Bilkent University, Faculty Of Engıneerıng, Department Of Industrıal Engıneerıng