Empowering Trans Mediterranean Renewable Energy Research Alliance for Europe 2020 Challenges (ETRERA 2020)

Dağ B., Soraci A.

7. Çerçeve Programı Projesi, 2013 - 2016

  • Proje Türü: 7. Çerçeve Programı Projesi
  • Başlama Tarihi: Eylül 2013
  • Bitiş Tarihi: Eylül 2016

Proje Özeti

ETRERA 2020 - Empowering Trans-mediterranean Renewable Energy Research Alliance for 2020 energy targets – is a project aimed at face front the future energy needs in the Euro –Mediterranean area by reinforcing creating a collaborative research/innovation network for supporting renewable energy sources (RES) technologies development and application, in accordance with EU policy addresses.
The ETRERA2020 idea is to improve S&T and entrepreneurial relationships between European Member States and the neighbouring Mediterranean countries in the strategic field of renewable energy production, distribution and storage by a range of activities targeted to bridging the existing gap between research and innovation.

ETRERA 2020 will address its efforts not on the societal challenge: Secure, clean and efficient energy in a general way, because this modus operandi will not bring any concrete result since it is too wide. It aims to focus on the below described specific technologies: wind, PV, grid connection and solar thermal.