Çiydem M., Yıldırım A.(Yürütücü)
TÜBİTAK Projesi, 2022 - 2022
Today, antennas play an important role in the field of communication. Radomes are structures
used to protect the antenna from environmental conditions. There are various types of radomes
according to their usage areas. The scope of this project includes antennas placed on the nose
and wing tips and their radomes on air platforms. While radomes protect antennas with
environmental conditions, they also provide frequency, gain, losses, bandwidth, impedance
matching, polarization and radiation diagram etc. can affect antenna parameters. Within the
scope of this project, our main goal is to keep the antenna performance parameter changes
caused by radome at a minimum level or to optimize it. In the first stage, an antenna working
in the X or C band will be designed through the CST program and parameter measurements
will be made without radome. In the next step, nose (conical, spherical) and wing tip
(cylindrical) radomes will be created using different material types. These radomes will be
placed on the antennas and the determined parameter tests will be carried out. Radome
material selection, radome thickness, antenna-radome spacing will be optimized by reference
to the lower and upper limit values determined by TAI and the results of radom-free antenna
parameters. Up-to-date technology and methods will be used during these studies.