Guidance an Auditing to Improve the Quality of Vocational Education in Field of Early Childhood Okulöncesi Eğitim Alanında Mesleki Eğitim Kalitesinin Artırılması İçin Rehberlik ve Denetim

Şahin F., Cemaloğlu N., Erdamar G., Özdemir N.

EU Supported Other Project, 2013 - 2015

  • Project Type: EU Supported Other Project
  • Begin Date: August 2013
  • End Date: July 2015

Project Abstract

The aim of the project was the development of guidance and control of occupational qualifications of the auditing personnel to improve the quality of vocational education, to develop competencies of professionals who have the role of guidance and supervision at vocational education institutions and to develop competencies of education staff (administrators and teachers) working in vocational schools. To achieve these objectives we gave training to vocational school directors and vice directors about “Education Administration and Supervision “ and “Communication Skills”. We gave the training “Education Administration and Supervision” to have efficient guidance and auditing for vocational education, to have information about the most current research and practices and to observe different applications. We gave “Communication Skills” training to solve the possible communication problems between director, vice-principals and education staff of vocational institutions and to create an area of confidence between the staff and inspectors. This was one of the very important objectives in order to enhance the quality of vocational education.

For this purpose, need analysis were done to find out the obstacles both in the side of inspectors and in the side of vocational education staff in vocational education institutions, we shared information and experiences of two partners of the region in vocational education in the field of pre-school education. A comparative report was prepared and shared.

In the need analysis search, out of this research results, obstacles were fixed in a guidance book, which included the strategies for corrective approaches. Pilot training was applied both to the inspectors and the vocational education staff to check the efficiency. Evaluation of the whole work valorized via two conferences to the target groups.

Thus, the objectives of the partnership, as indicated in the application form was achieved successfully.