Şahin H., Güner F. N.(Yürütücü)

Erasmus Projesi, 2019 - 2020

  • Proje Türü: Erasmus Projesi
  • Başlama Tarihi: Nisan 2019
  • Bitiş Tarihi: Mayıs 2020

Proje Özeti

The main objective of the project is; the fact that the phenomenon of loneliness is a threat to the

survival of the society, and that the individualizing people get away from the social and cultural ties,

and to create an environment of awareness and awareness to prevent this.

The expected achievements of the project are as follows;

* With this project, we would like to announce to the public that "loneliness" is a destructive problem.

* We aim to create awareness by communicating the future planning of the Ministry of Education and

Higher Education by balancing the difference in success between schools, in order to prevent young

people from reading their family in other cities due to better school perception.

* We want to raise awareness by explaining that social media and internet or virtual games serve to

the isolation of young people and desensitization towards loneliness.

* We aim to raise awareness of the families through conferences and seminars that will prevent their

children from being isolated.

* We want to raise our stakeholders awareness by describing the loneliness of the loneliness.

* Visual tools (short film, etc.) to be processed in the social media by providing the issue to the

masses want to announce this problem.

* Based on the findings of the project, we want to make an international article study and publish it in

refereed journals.

* If published, we aim to show the success of the project by making the article and project e booklet

visible to more people.

Thanks to the project, participants;

* Increased social sensitivity,

* Learn the methods of defeating the negativity of loneliness,

* Learn how to turn loneliness into plus

* Has a concrete output about loneliness,

* Be aware of EU Youth Projects,

* Have acquired intercultural learning,

* * Introduced the project location to our partners,

* Established new relations with different cultures,

* Have the pleasure of writing a scientific paper jointly with Erasmus,

* Develop foreign language skills.

Thanks to the project, friendship and cohesion between 48 participants from different countries will

be an important goal and success criterion of the project.

As part of the project activities, promotion of our country will also be a successful achievement.