Symbolic Violence in Terms of Gender

Şahin H. (Yürütücü)

Erasmus Projesi, 2021 - 2023

  • Proje Türü: Erasmus Projesi
  • Başlama Tarihi: Ocak 2021
  • Bitiş Tarihi: Ocak 2023

Proje Özeti

A sociological and cultural perspective on gender equality is more effective than structural efforts since inequal gender relations are reproduced, perpetuated and legitimised through

"Symbolic Violence" with the complicity of both its victims and exercisers.The project mainly aims at promoting gender equality by engaging, connecting and empowering young people

from different cultures and societies. Interacting with different societies and cultures is an excellent facility and opportunity to be able to see the arbitrariness of gender relations, which

will contribute to the elimination of gender inequality by young people as the target group of the project. To this end, govermental and non-govermental organisations of participating

countries (ODTÜ MEBİVA and Psychology Society and Fark Group Education Guidance Tourism Research Organisation and Publication Trade Limited Company in Turkey,

Univerisatea Ovidius Din Constanta in Romania, Solution,: Solidarite & Inclusion in France and Embaixada da Juventude in Portugal) will develop a cultural relativistic dialogue and an

effective exchange of cultural and social experiences in terms of gender relations with a different sociological and cultural perspective.

Young people of participant organisations collaborate together to be able to see the invisible violence whose results are more real than pyhsical one in terms of gender relations. Thus,

they will be able to acquire social and cultural skills to break the cycle of reproduction of gender inequality. Participants will grasp cultural and symbolic dimension of gender

relations.Then partipicants of each country will discover and report the symbolic violence which reproduces the gender inequality in different fields such as state, family, educational

institutions, religion, art, literature, etc. Comparing the different forms of cultural and symbolic dimension of gender relations within different culture and societies will facilitate shedding

light on the symbolic violence in the culture and society of participating countries. Symbolic violence and gender inequality and how and to what extent participating countries achieved

gender equality will be examined in depth and detailed way with single and multiple case study method.

Attending transnational meetings, conferences, seminars and webinars, young people will gain a new different sociological and cultural perspective to insight to gender relations in

many different fields such as state, family, educational institutions, media, religion, literature, art, etc. Products of project is disseminated through webinars, guidebook, social media

platforms, websites, short films in local and national level, posters, brochures, promotional items, etc. for target groups. The project ensures awareness-raising on gender equality,

responsibilities and opportunities for young participants for both gender, thereby advancing human rights for the citizens of participant countries. Grasping the cultural and symbolic

dimension of gender relations with the perspective of "Symbolic Violence", young people break the reproduction cycle of gender inequality, thereby leading to gender neuter, equal,

civilised and developed society. To this end; project aim to carry out Need and Situation Analysis, prepare a Guidebook in six different languages including sign language, onsite and online conferences and seminars,

transanational learning, teaching and training activities, preparing websites, social media accounts and other dissemination tools.

Target groups and all actors involved in the project will acquire invaluable skills and competences will contribute to the personal and interpersonal development including a lot of skills

such as intercultural communication, decision-making, problem solving, language, critical thinking, literacy, ICT technology, resilience, entrepreneurship, tolerance, active citizenship,

etc. Partner organisations and other stakeholder will develop international strategies, internationalisaton, management capacties, new environment, etc. through the G.END.ER.

project. Partner organisations will incorporate local, regional, national and international institutions to the project activities in order to conjure up and disseminate activities and results of the

projects. Partner organisations will induce educational instutitons, governorhips, municipalities, trade unions, local, national and international media institutions, non-profit

organisations, private corporations, Ministry Education, Labour and Familiy and Social Policies to disseminate the results of the project, will substantially contribute to elimination of

gender inequality which is reproduced, perpetuated and legitimised as a paradigmatic consequence of "Symbolic Violence".