Utilization of TRISO fuel with reactor grade plutonium in CANDU reactors

Sahin S., Sahin H. M., ACIR A.

NUCLEAR ENGINEERING AND DESIGN, vol.240, no.8, pp.2066-2074, 2010 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


Large quantities of plutonium have been accumulated in the nuclear waste of civilian LWRs and CANDU reactors. Reactor grade plutonium and heavy water moderator can give a good combination with respect to neutron economy. On the other hand. TRISO type fuel can withstand very high fuel burn-up levels. The paper investigates the prospects of utilization of TRISO fuel made of reactor grade plutonium in CANDU reactors. TRISO fuels particles are imbedded body-centered cubic (BCC) in a graphite matrix with a volume fraction of 68%. The fuel compacts conform to the dimensions of CANDU fuel compacts are inserted in rods with zircolay cladding.