Türkiye Klinikleri Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, sa.1, ss.37-40, 2020 (Hakemli Dergi)
Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer is one of the leading cancer-related deaths in the worldwide.
Acceptable survival rates are achieved by surgical complete resection in early-stage lung cancers, but it
is still a mortal cancer despite advances in radiotherapy and chemotherapy in advanced stages not suitable for surgical treatment. Long-term survival can be obtained by targeting complete and anatomical resection in patients who are medically and oncologically suitable for surgical treatment. It is aimed to
provide regression in patient with advanced stage lung cancers by non-surgical options such as
chemotherapy, radiotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, multimodal therapy, etc. and sometimes
it is desired to create a chance for surgery (surgery after induction therapy or salvage surgery after definitive therapy) by down stage. Open (thoracotomy, sternotomy, etc.) or minimally invasive techniques may
be preferred in the surgical approach, but the important thing is not to compromise oncological principles.