Gazi University Journal of Science Part B: Art Humanities Design and Planning, cilt.10, sa.2, ss.111-1277, 2022 (Hakemli Dergi)
This Study emphasizes on the Atelier participant Students’ ideas and opinions of their early
Expectations and final Acquisitions from the Architectural Project and how the way of learning
types of each student is efected by their expectations and acquisitions (or vica versa) during an
online education period between Fall 2020 to Spring 2021. By applying a questionnaire to a group
of atelier participants that consist of varying age and experience levels that value their opinions
on their personal gains on varying aspects of architectural design at two semesters of one
education year. It was possible to understand and evaluate the Atelier participant Students’ ideas
and opinions of their early expectations, and final acquisitions from the architectural project and
how varying types of learning styles of each student is significantly reflected when their primary
expectations and final acquisitions are comparatively evaluated in a fully online education year.