Bilig, vol.2023, no.104, pp.1-26, 2023 (SSCI)
In literary works, the past is handled with very different approaches, sometimes with contradictory interpretations. The positive or negative effects of the historical event on the society are tried to be revealed. Writers create fiction by infiltrating historicality in a way, by examining the fictional material they collect from there on the plane of contemporary narrative. Therefore, it may not be considered necessary to overlap with historical reality. In this study, “Timur” by Mehmet Samih Fethi, “Battle of Giants Yildirim Bayezid and Tamerlane” by Oktay Tiryakioğlu, “The Last Horseman of the Steppe Timur” by İbrahim Hakkı Gundoğdu, “Partners of Punishment 1, 2” by Erol Toy, “The Great Khan of Your Song Tamerlane” by Dundar Alp, Xurshid Davron’s “Timur’s grandson or Dwarf Star Story” and “The Death of Amir Temur’s Son” and “Death of Emir Timur’s Son”, Yevgeni Berezikov’s “Great Temur 1., 2”, Muhammad Ali’s “Great Reign 1, 2, 3”, Buriboy Ahmedov’s works named “Emir Temur” were examined in terms of his perspective on the Battle of Ankara. While the authors interpret the reasons for the outbreak of the war and its aftermath in different ways in the fields of Uzbekistan and Turkiye, it has been determined that they have a common opinion in terms of the place, shape and outcome of the war.