Yilmaz Kaya B., Adem A., Dağdeviren M.

Endüstri Mühendisliği, vol.34, no.1, pp.109-140, 2023 (Peer-Reviewed Journal) identifier


With the rapid digitalization effect experienced recently,new technologies have been developed for systems, where,system design has also taken its share from this rapidchange. Due to the strong relationship between employeewelfare and industrial system productivity, there is anincreasing interest in ergonomics and human factorsengineering fields in Industrial Engineering literature. Inorder to implement Industry 4.0 applications in worksystems and adapt the job design, scientific researchersand managers are integrating the traditional point ofview and developing new technology for the evaluation ofrisk factors as well as realization of ergonomicregulations, while at the same time suggestinginterventions to balance and reduce the physicalergonomic risk existing in the current system. approachesshould be developed. In this study, the use of collaborativerobot (Cobot) technologies for system design that willincrease the ergonomic suitability of the work system andworkplace by reducing the level of physical risk in jobdesign during the transformation to smart factory andsmart production areas as Industry 4.0 componenta isdiscussed. In the study, a suitability scale was developedfor the applications to be realized in human-robotinteractive production lines by investigating the factorsthat should be considered in the selection of theworkstation to which the Cobot technology will beassigned.With the rapid digitalization effect experienced recently, new technologies have been developed for systems, where, system design has also taken its share from this rapid change. Due to the strong relationship between employee welfare and industrial system productivity, there is an increasing interest in ergonomics and human factors engineering fields in Industrial Engineering literature. In order to implement Industry 4.0 applications in work systems and adapt the job design, scientific researchers and managers are integrating the traditional point of view and developing new technology for the evaluation of risk factors as well as realization of ergonomic regulations, while at the same time suggesting interventions to balance and reduce the physical ergonomic risk existing in the current system. approaches should be developed. In this study, the use of collaborative robot (Cobot) technologies for system design that will increase the ergonomic suitability of the work system and workplace by reducing the level of physical risk in job design during the transformation to smart factory and smart production areas as Industry 4.0 componenta is discussed. In the study, a suitability scale was developed for the applications to be realized in human-robot interactive production lines by investigating the factors that should be considered in the selection of the workstation to which the Cobot technology will be assigned.

Son yıllarda süreçlerde yaşanan hızlı dijitalleşme etkileri ile sistemler için yeni teknolojiler geliştirilirken iş sistemi tasarımları da bu hızlı değişimden payını almaktadır. İşçi refahı ile endüstriyel sistem üretkenliği arasındaki güçlü ilişkiye bağlı olarak Endüstri Mühendisliği literatüründe ergonomi ve insan faktörleri mühendisliğine olan ilgi artmaktadır. Endüstri 4.0 uygulamalarını iş sistemlerinde hayata geçirebilmek ve iş tasarımını uyarlayabilmek için bilimsel araştırmacılar ve yöneticiler risk faktörlerinin değerlendirmesi ve ergonomik düzenlemelerin gerçekleştirilmesi için geleneksel bakış açısı ile gelişmekte olan yeni teknolojiyi entegre eden, aynı zamanda mevcut sistemde var olan fiziksel ergonomik riski dengelemek ve azaltmak için müdahaleler öneren yaklaşımlar geliştirmelidir. Bu çalışmada Endüstri 4.0 bileşenlerinden akıllı fabrika ve akıllı üretim alanlarına geçiş süreçlerinde iş tasarımında fiziksel risk seviyesini azaltarak iş ve iş yerinin ergonomik uygunluğunu arttıracak sistem tasarımı için işbirlikçi robot (collaborative robot–Cobot) teknolojilerinin kullanımı ele alınmıştır. Çalışmada Cobot teknolojisinin atanacağı iş istasyonu seçiminde dikkat edilmesi gereken faktörler araştırılarak insan-robot etkileşimli üretim hatlarında gerçekleştirilecek uygulamalar için bir uygunluk skalası geliştirilmiştir.