26th National and 1st International Pharmacology Congress, Ankara, Turkey, 04 November 2021, pp.199-200
Objectives: Clinical reasoning skill (CR) is important in terms of Rational Drug Use (RDU). ContExtended Questions (CEQ) is a new case-based
tool to teach and assess CR. This study aims to evaluate student feedback on RDU exam that consists of CEQ.
Materials-Methods: CEQ is a multiple-choice test that presents the case step-by-step as an evolving scenario. Students can mark more than
one option as “True” or “False” from the propositional sentences presented about the scenario. Some of the options have “+”, some “-“point.
Options are weighted by experts according to their clinical importance. CEQ has two versions: With feedback, without feedback . 331 Year-4
medical students have participated in the exam on September10, 2021 after RDU Clerkship, which has been developed using WHO 6-Step
Model, in Gazi University Medical Faculty. There were two cases (hypertension/rhinosinusitis), total of 16 questions nested in cases following
6-step. We used “without feedback” version. It was implemented online. They signed in through web-based browsers using their passwords.
161 (48. 6%) students voluntarily provided feedback using electronic form. They rated statements using 7-point Likert Scale. The data of the
exam and feedback form were analyzed to report descriptive statistics.
Results: The mean score of the exam was 81.67±6.81 out of 100. Out of 7, the mean score of “the questions were clear” was 6.00±1.09, “ the
interface was easy to use” 5.93±1.23, “the questions were close to real clinical practice” 6.26±0.87, “the questions were felt real patient
encounter” 5.56±1.54. 86.34% (n=139) of the students stated the exam is advantageous for those who improved CR skills.13.66 (n=22) stated
the students who learned by rote would get higher scores.
Conclusions: CEQ is a new tool to assess higher levels of cognitive skills such as CR in RDU training. It simulated the treatment process in a
physician-patient encounter by evolving step-by-step. Especially the “with feedback” version is more suitable for formative exams that
support training.