Extremity Problems in Ostrich Chicks and Their Treatment

Aslan L., Gençcelep M., Karasu A., Düz E., Alkan İ., Bakir B.

JOURNAL OF ANIMAL AND VETERINARY ADVANCES, vol.8, no.5, pp.903-906, 2009 (SCI-Expanded) identifier identifier


Extremity problems in 120 ostrich chicks were investigated in this study. Fledglings were followed for 1 year and extremity problems were evaluated as congenital or acquired. In the study, congenital lower extremity problems were found in 17.5% of the cases (both extremities extended sideways in 10 cases, 1 extremity extended sideways in 3 cases, one leg extended forward and the other back in 4 cases, big toe retrovert in 2 cases, 5th toe deviated towards underneath of the big toe, totaling to 21 cases) and acquired lower extremity problems in 19.64% of the cases (tibiotarsal luxation in 6 cases, tarsal bone fracture in 1 case, fractures in radius-ulna in 1 case, injuries of the extremities in 9 cases and arthritis in the tarsal joint in 2 cases and in proximal interphalangeal joint in 3 cases, totaling to 22 cases). Extremity problems were found in 43 (35.83%) ostrich chicks out of 120 (congenital in 21 cases and acquired in 22). Of these 43 cases, it was observed that 29 (67.44%) were healed with the treatment applied, whereas, 14 (32.56%) did not heal. It was concluded in the study that the extremity problems causing great economic losses in ostrich husbandry can be minimized with prevention, early diagnosis and proper treatment.