Education and Information Technologies, vol.29, no.4, pp.4699-4743, 2024 (SSCI)
This study aimed to determine the variables affecting the eye-movements of second-language (L2) learners of Turkish in Türkiye while solving a test consisting of questions that included graphics. A total of 115 L2 learners participated in the research (21 in the pilot study and 94 in the main study). We presented a test consisting of five multiple-choice questions with graphics (GT) as a stimulus on the screen and investigated the following variables to see whether participants’ eye-movements were affected by age, gender, native country, mother tongue, reading direction in the mother tongue, department at the university, education level, opting to have questions with graphics in the Turkish Learning, Research and Application Center (TÖMER) and the Language Teaching Research and Application Center (DİLMER) exams and success on the GT. We investigated whether these independent variables had an effect on the eye-movement measurements and examined the relation between the GT success and success on the TÖMER/DİLMER comprehension exam. Results indicate that gender, education level, opting to have graphic questions in the TÖMER/DİLMER exams, and GT success had significant effects on various eye-movements.