VI th INTERNATIONAL EURASIAN EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH CONGRESS, Ankara, Turkey, 19 - 22 June 2019, pp.1405-1406
Problem Durumu
In recent years researches related to values education are conducted increasingly in Turkey. Despite the fact that mathematics was regarded as an objective, abstract, non-human discipline by society at first, now values education in mathematics education is gaining importance because of the increase in researches about the fact that mathematics is not neutral and has values. The math discipline, which was held in the foreground especially in the cognitive field teaching rather than the affective field teaching before, is now increasingly interested in the teaching of values together with the affective field features such as motivation, attitude and belief. It is thought that the content analysis of these researches will make better use of previous studies and will show the light of future researches. When the studies conducted abroad are examined, it is seen that the studies about values education are collected under five main themes. These studies, in which different dimensions related to the subject are examined, have also provided a basis for the themes used in this meta-synthesis study. Five main themes will be used when values education researches are examined. These are: theoretical framework researches, scale researches, curriculum reviews, researches demonstrating cultural differences, and practice researches for teachers (student candidates), students and mathematics courses. Values education is particularly emphasized in mathematics curricula, in the sense that students at primary and secondary levels will be aware of the emotions, beliefs, priorities and values of the society and assimilate national and spiritual values. It is thought that this work, which is summarized in a systematic way by deepening the approaches dealt with in this frame of studies on values in education, will be useful for program developers and teachers. Also, this study is also important for determination of the need for research, diversifying studies at different grade levels related to values education and conducting more qualified and comprehensive studies.
Araştırma Yöntemi
In this study, the values education researches in the area of mathematics education will be analyzed by descriptive content analysis, then researches will be reviewed critically with the meta-synthesis methods. The main aim in descriptive content analysis is to determine tendencies (Cohen, Manion, & Marrison, 2007). Meta-synthesis method is a coherent approach to synthesize data from selected studies and interpret these data in complex and in-depth analysis (Zimmer, 2006). Therefore, descriptive content analysis is appropriate for this meta-synthesis study. Besides, it will be examined how the researches related to values education distribute over the years, for which objectives for what way values used in these researches and will look for an answer to the question of which of the mathematics education values commonly used. The researchers determined the search included using ERIC, EBSCO, JSTOR, Scopus, ScienceDirect, MathSciNet, ULAKBIM Turkish National Databases, DergiPark, Social Sciences Citation Index, Science Citation Index and Google Scholar which include the studies about values education, and used the studies published until 2019 by start from these data resources. Field experts were consulted while determining the keywords and the researches made in this area were investigated and searching under the terms values education, values in mathematics education, values education in mathematics. Research from approximately 110 articles was accumulated but 80 articles of them that might benefit the purpose of the study were taken into the scope of the study as a result of the scan.
Beklenen/Geçici Sonuçlar
We investigated 80 researches about values and its’ education in mathematics education in the world. The most of the researches is related with theoretical framework researches (Bishop, 1999; Dede, 2007; Durmuş, 2004) and conducted with teachers in qualitative method. This is followed by scale (Durmuş and Bıçak, 2006; Nik Pa and Tapsir, 2013) curriculum (Deniz, 2018) and cultural differences (Seah, 2004) studies. Data collection tools are generally interwievs and questionarres in respectively quantitative and qualitative studies. We realized that there is no study with early childhood, elementary (1-4) education and academicians. Also, the number of interdisciplinear studies is low. It is clear that values education starts to develop from early ages so studies in early childhood and elementary education should be conducted.
Anahtar Kelimeler : Mathematics education, Values education, Meta-Synthesis Study EJERCongress 2019 Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı / EJERCongress 2019 Abstracts 1406
Bishop, A. J. (1999). Mathematics teaching and values education – An intersection in need of research, ZDM, 31(1), 1-4.
Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2007). Research Methods in Education (6th ed.). London and New York, NY: Routledge
Dede, Y. (2007). Matematik öğretiminde değerlerin yeri. Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 7(1), 11-17.
Deniz, D. (2018). Matematik Öğretim Programında Yer Alan Değerler Eğitimine Yönelik Öğretmen Görüşlerinin
İncelenmesi. International Journal of Society Researches, 9 (16), 678-705.
Durmuş, S. (2004). Matematik eğitiminde değerler üzerine bir deneme. Değerler Eğitimi Dergisi, 2(7), 65-79.
Durmuş, S., & Bıçak, B. (2006). A scale for mathematics and mathematical values of preservice teachers. Paper presented at the
3rd International Conference on the Teaching of Mathematics, July, Istanbul, Turkey.
Nik Pa, N.A. & Tapsir, R. (2013). Analysis of instruments measuring values of mathematics education. Procedia - Social and
Behavioral Sciences, 90, 449 – 457.
Seah, W. T. (2004). The Negotiating of perceived value differences by immigrant teachers of mathematics in Australia (Doctoral
dissertation). Monash University.
Zimmer, L. (2006). Qualitative meta-synthesis: A question of dialoguing with texts. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 53, 311-318.