Milli Egitim, vol.1, pp.79-101, 2017 (Scopus)
© Tüm Haklari Saklidir.The purpose of this research is to determine the mental imagery of school principals regarding the concept of school, teacher, student and parent through metaphors. This study is a qualitative research and a semi-structured interview form that reveals metaphors was used to collect research data. The participants of this research consist of 92 school principals participating in the school principals' training program in the districts of Keçiören and Altindağ in Ankara province. In this study, the school principals were asked to complete the "School/Teacher/Student/Parent is like a. Because." sentence. According to the results of the research, more frequnetly the school is considered as a place of love and solidarity, a place where individuals are shaped, and life itself; the teacher is considered as a person who protects, looks after, leads and motivates people; the student is considered as a person who is shaped or loaded with information, and in need of protection; and the parents are considered like those who benefit from the service. When metaphores produced in the research are examined in general, it is observed that school principals are positive towards the school, teachers and students. It can be said that they have a negative thoughts towards the parents. It is thought that there is a significant effect of the socio-cultural context in the formation of metaphoric perceptions. In this context, it is useful to examine the metaphorical perceptions of school principals in the cultural codes that surround them.