Digital Human Modeling (DHM) is an integral part of computerized engineering studies. In this study, an assembly fixture has been designed that will be used in the assembly of the helicopter transmission and it has been analyzed for compliance of ergonomic conditions using DHM technique. Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) and Biomechanical Motion Analyses (BMA) were used in the analyses. The ergonomic competence of the human was analyzed empirically for two different assembly conditions. The assembly fixture redesigned has significant ergonomic advantages over the conventional ones. According to the analyses was provided that 79.6 % advantage in compression loading and 94.3 % advantage in moment loading, which occurs on the L4-L5 lumbar vertebra discs. As a result, it was revealed that the ergonomic assembly fixture designed for workers to work in a more comfortable and safe manner was suitable for its purpose.