GAZI MEDICAL JOURNAL, vol.33, no.4, pp.329-336, 2022 (ESCI)
Objective: We aimed to present our two years
of evidence-based medicine training experience and evaluate the
effectiveness of a modified PEARLS by analyzing feedback obtained from
fourth-year medical students and their advisors (faculty members).
Methods: This study was conducted with fourth-year students and advisors in 2018 (346 students and 54 advisors) and 2019 (355 students and 59 advisors) at Gazi University Faculty of Medicine. PEARLS, which is an acronym for “Presentations of Evidence Abstracted from Research Literature to Solve real people’s problems”, is a method teach evidence-based medicine. A modified PEARLS method was used for teaching not only evidence-based medicine but also group work, preparing a presentation, public speaking, and reflective thinking. Students were divided into groups and provided a case for each student. Groups met with advisors six times for group discussions. Students presented their decision process orally to their peers and advisors. Oral presentations were recorded as a video to enable students to reflect on them later.
Results: Students’ scores were significantly lower than advisors’ scores for the item which is about keeping up the program. Except for this item, advisors’ scores were lower than students’ scores for all items. The timing of the program was the most complained part by the students. For advisors, the difficulty of arranging appropriate time was the most complained part.
Conclusions: Using modified PEARLS to integrate evidence-based practices with preparing a presentation, public speaking, and reflective thinking is a novel approach. To systematically put them together, the modified PEARLS method would be a useful option.