Pediatrik Cerrahi Dergisi, vol.17, no.2, pp.89-91, 2003 (Scopus)
A 10-day old girl was admitted to the hospital, with an abdominal mass, which was noticed by her family. According to the abdominal computed tomography scan, the mass was localizated between the right hepatic lob and the kidney and, was 10×7×6 cm in size and had calcifications and necrotic areas. In the operation a well-encapsulated retroperitoneal cystic mass was discovered. A trunk with two lower and one upper extremity-like structure that represented a well-formed fetus was found in the capsule. The mass was completely excised. Pathologic examination of the mass demonstrated skin, skin tags, glial tissue, striated muscle, mature cartilaginous tissue, periferic neuronal tissue, lung tissue, bone, and bone marrow tissue. This is a report of this rare condition and reviews the literature.